Fundraising on Fleek Week!

Watch the video below to learn more about Fundraising on Fleek Week

…and actually learn what “Fleek” means.

Sign me up for the free training!

Here's what's happening during

Fundraising on Fleek Week:

[Day One] I’ll show you how to use the internet as a flypaper to get people who may be casually interested in your cause, to actually connect with you…. I don’t even hear other fundraising experts talk about this… but I do!


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[Day 1]  I’ll show you how to use the internet as a flypaper to get people who may be casually interested in your cause, to actually connect with you…. I don’t even hear other fundraising experts talk about this… but I do!




[Day 2] I’ll show you how to get more engagement from your email list. You do have an email list right? Increase your donor support with every email and it won’t hurt one bit



[Day 3] I’ll show you how to write copy that converts. How you tell the story of your product, service, membership gift or event is what makes people interested. Yeah.. you’ll get likes, but you will also get leads and lincolns… and not pennies the quiet foldable lincolns….




[Day 4] I’ll show you that one thing that Switches you from being and interesting nonprofit to an irresistible cause…. without spending a lot of time or money.




[Day 5] I’ll share info about Fundraising on Autopilot. It is where you learn how to fundraise 24/7 365 in a way that your donors and potential new members actually benefit. Stress, free, beg free, shipping free, and in most cases membership gifts are free free to you!


Regardless of what your cause is, or how small your nonprofit these things will work for you

Oh… did I mention that this challenge comes with a FREE Facebook Group ?

It all starts this Monday!

My organization can afford free.... I'm In!



Five video lessons delivered straight to your inbox, five days in a row. These lessons are easy, entertaining, and actionable. (And you'll likely start seeing results the same week you start this free challenge!) All the info is tech-free, stress-free, and just plain -free.


One of my favorite parts of all: This challenge comes with a highly engaged Facebook support group where I'll answer questions, provide insights, and provide one-on-one support daily. You'll also get to connect and collaborate with other amazing cause specialists, too!


There's more! I am no "one-trick" teaching pony!  Each lesson comes with its own workbook so that you can keep your info to refer to again and again.  Nothing is worse than learning something life-changing, about how you can heal the world but forgetting it because you didn't write it down before the "I need coffee" brain kicked in.   You'll have notes and a cute workbook to print out or use online.

Who’s running this thing, and why should I listen?

Hi! I’m Michelle Price-Johnson

I’m a leadership consultant, organizational strategist, and broadcast executive. (And chronic overachiever.)

Over the past few years, ​I’ve worked with both broadcast companies, corporate organizations and nonprofits to more efficiently and effectively increase income, presence and effectiveness.  Now I share my secrets and strategies with amazing difference makers to help them create stress-free and auto-pilot fundraising campaigns.

Fundraising on Fleek Week is a truly transformative challenge, and I’m totally jazzed to bring it back  on MONDAY!!!

It’s unmissable. Sign up today!

Sign me up for the free training!


Some fundraising courses are full of fluff and theory. Fundraising on Fleek Week is full of facts. (and totally free!)

Executive Directors, Board Members, Development teams… anyone raising funds for a cause, should be part of Fundraising on Fleek Week.

During this week you will be immersed in the latest and least resistant ways to raise funds, at much lower cost, while having fun connecting with your current and potential donors.

You also learn about our Fundraising on Autopilot ™ program, that shows you how to fundraise stress free, shipping free, and with  products that are cost-free to your organization.  Did I mention autopilot? Yes… 24/7 fundraising with products and services that your members will be excited to support.

Best yet, most membership gifts cost you nothing.  Plus, no shipping, warehousing, or angry donors who never got their gifts. YASSSS!!!!

I’ve had the life-changing opportunity to work with some amazing organizations. Although most of my time has been in the corporate and private sector, getting things done for the global good with mission-focused nonprofits is awesome!

One of the things that almost every nonprofit client has had a difficulty with is attracting, growing, and sustaining passionate supporters.

To fix that, I am doing a FREE 5-day online training/challenge to share some of the marketing, connectivity and retention strategies that corporations use and tailored it to address the unique challenges that nonprofit organizations have.

JOIN ME for FUNDRAISING ON FLEEK WEEK - Turn your interesting nonprofit into an irresistible cause. The fun starts Monday. Sign up today to make sure that you are in!

Click here to sign up

- Michelle

P.S.S. Do cute dog or baby pics get you motivated?

Cute Dog

Cute babies reflecting on life.... awww

or.. how about an inspirational pic of me telling you that it starts Monday? (this is supposed to give you a sense of urgency...) 🙂

That's all I got... Sign Up!

Stress-Free Fundraising? Let's Do This!